Juliann Ford


Juliann Ford, Founder of Manners Prep, has first-hand experience why good manners are critical in our world today.  Whether attending dinners and special events at The White House, Diplomatic Receptions, State Funerals, or CEO-level events, Mrs. Ford knows that appropriate behavior always makes a difference.

Born in San Diego, Juliann from an early age was exposed to many local leading citizens and major social activities.  In 1989, Juliann married Jack Ford, son of President Gerald R. Ford and former First Lady, Betty Ford where her experiences were magnified on a more national and global level. Juliann and Jack are blessed to raise two young gentlemen, Christian and Jonathan.

Manners are something used every day (not just during formal events) to make a good impression on others and to feel good about yourself. No matter where you are - at home, school, or with friends - practicing good manners is important. One etiquette expert described manners as "the happy way of doing things."

Good manners are more than opening doors, knowing what silverware to use, and writing thank you notes. While opening doors for others, using the right fork, and writing notes is nice, true courtesy goes deeper. When you have manners, you know how to act in all kinds of situations.  You don't have to guess or wonder if you're doing something "wrong."  Manners can also build your confidence!

Being polite and courteous means considering how others feel. If you practice good manners, you are showing those around you that you are considerate and respectful of their feelings. You are also setting standards for others' behaviors and encouraging them to treat you with similar respect.

Manners Prep offers private, group and after-school enrichment programs for students of all ages. Manners Prep strives to make etiquette training entertaining and interactive, knowing that we learn better and retain more when having fun!  

P.O. Box 7014, Rancho Santa Fe, California  92067 | juliann@mannersprep.com